For the following fabric types:
Acrylic, Cotton, Linen, Lycra / Spandex, Nylon, Polyester, Rayon, Washable Silk, Washable Wool
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2.Pretreat stain with liquid detergent, then wash the garment in warmest water safe for the fabric. (FOR WASHABLE SILK & WASHABLE WOOL – EITHER HAND WASH OR USE THE WASHER CYCLE DESIGNED FOR HAND WASHING)
3. If necessary, follow-up with a wash in color-safe bleach for colors or liquid chlorine bleach for whites. (FOR WASHABLE SILK & WASHABLE WOOL – JUST REPEAT TREATMENT, IF NECESSARY)
4. Air dry and check the garment for any remaining stain. Repeat the procedure if necessary before you place the garment in the dryer.
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2. Rub liquid detergent into the stain, then wash in the warmest water safe for the garment. (FOR WASHABLE SILK & WASHABLE WOOL – EITHER HAND WASH OR USE THE WASHER CYCLE DESIGNED FOR HAND WASHING)
3. If necessary, follow-up with a soak in a mixture of detergent and water, then rewash. (FOR WASHABLE SILK & WASHABLE WOOL – JUST REPEAT TREATMENT, IF NECESSARY)
4. Air dry and check the garment for any remaining stain. Repeat the procedure if necessary before you place the garment in the dryer.
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2. Check an invisible corner of any colored fabrics to be sure that the treatment you choose will not affect the color of the garment.
3. Scrape off any excess. Rinse the stain in cold water to prevent setting.
4. Soak the stained area in a mixture of detergent and water (never hot, as protein hardens).
5. Wash in warm water (not hot) for the fabric.
6. If necessary, follow-up with a wash in color-safe bleach.
7. Air dry and check the garment carefully for any residue before you run it through the dryer.
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2. Check an invisible corner of any colored fabrics to be sure that the treatment you choose will not affect the color of the garment.
3. Scrape off any excess. Rinse the stain in cold water to prevent setting.
4. Soak the stained area in a mixture of detergent and water (never hot, as protein hardens).
5. Wash in warm water (not hot) for the fabric.
6. If necessary, follow-up with a wash in color-safe bleach.
7. Air dry and check the garment carefully for any residue before you run it through the dryer.
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2. Apply a pretreat for oily stains, or rub liquid detergent into the stain.
3. Wash in the hottest water safe for the fabric.
4. Air dry and check the garment for any remaining stain. Repeat the procedure if necessary before you place the garment in the dryer.
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2. Rinse in cold water to dilute the stain and prevent it from setting.
3. Soak the garment in a mixture of a gentle detergent and water for up to 30 minutes before washing in warmest water safe for the garment. (FOR WASHABLE SILK & WASHABLE WOOL – EITHER HAND WASH OR USE THE WASHER CYCLE DESIGNED FOR HAND WASHING)
4. If necessary, repeat the treatment.
5. Air dry and check the garment for any remaining stain. Repeat the procedure if necessary before you place the garment in the dryer.
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2. Scrape off any remaining gravy with a spoon or back of a butter knife. If already dried, brush off residue.
3. Rub in a gentle liquid detergent and soak in a mixture of detergent and water for up to 30 minutes.
5. If necessary, repeat treatment.
6. Air dry and check the garment for any remaining stain. Repeat the procedure if necessary before you place the garment in the dryer.
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2. Gently scrape off excess solids with a dull knife.
3. Soak for 10 to 15 minutes in a solution containing a small amount of liquid dish detergent.
4. After soaking, rinse in warm water.
5. Machine wash in the warmest water that the care label permits; if the stain still appears, repeat the process, as the toughest stains may require a little extra persistence.
6. Air dry and check the garment for any remaining stain. Repeat the procedure if necessary before you place the garment in the dryer.
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2. Check an invisible corner of the garment to be sure that the treatment will not affect the garment color or finish.
3. Rinse in warm water to dilute the stain and prevent it from setting.
4. Rub liquid detergent into the stain, then wash in the warmest water safe for the garment using a gentle detergent. (FOR WASHABLE SILK & WASHABLE WOOL – EITHER HAND WASH OR USE THE WASHER CYCLE DESIGNED FOR HAND WASHING)
5. If necessary, follow-up with a wash in color-safe bleach for colors or liquid chlorine bleach for whites. (DO NOT DO FOR WASHABLE SILK & WASHABLE WOOL)
6. Air dry and check the garment for any remaining stain. Repeat the procedure if necessary before you place the garment in the dryer.
Always read the label and follow any directions first.
1. Check the care label on your garment.
2. Rub some ice on the gummy spot to freeze it.
3. Use a spoon or back of a butter knife to remove hardened gum.
4. Soak the garment in a mixture of detergent and water before washing in the warmest water safe for the garment. (FOR WASHABLE SILK & WASHABLE WOOL – EITHER HAND WASH OR USE THE WASHER CYCLE DESIGNED FOR HAND WASHING)
5. Air dry and check the garment for any remaining stain. Repeat the procedure if necessary before you place the garment in the dryer.